Monday, March 2, 2015

why i love my running watch (plus a giveaway)

One thing that has not been talked about much lately on this blog is running.  But baby #2, y'all.  Carrying babies wears on the body.  For me, I've seen a difference in how much slower the weight falls off with #2 (of course, I'm not nursing this time around either) and how much harder it is getting back into a consistent workout routine.  Once 2015 hit and I still wasn't all the way back to my pre-baby weight, I knew I needed to kick it into gear.

I'm running the 7 mile leg in the OKC Memorial Marathon Relay at the end of April, so I'm training for that right now.  (And I really am using the word "training" pretty loosely here.)  I haven't gotten into a great rhythm yet.  I usually end up exercising twice a week, which is just not enough.  Although I do want to see that change, I will say that I am already running faster than I have in years.  Let me tell you my secret.

A real running watch

It is a game changer!  Knowing my mile pace from the second my feet hit the ground is incredibly helpful.  When you're in a rut and used to your normal pace, it's hard to break out of that.  What I've discovered is that I naturally fall into a 10:30 pace (when running shorter distances - like 3 miles or less).  But I can run faster.  While I consider myself a runner, I'm still not experienced enough to know what several different paces feel like to my body.  I've wanted to get faster, but without something telling me how fast I'm running while I'm running, it's kind of tough.  What I've discovered is that if I'm not on top of my speed, I will naturally slow down to that 10:30 pace.  (Without the watch, there's no way of knowing this!)  I haven't built back up to long distances yet, but for my 2 mile runs, I am consistently running a sub-10 minute mile pace.  I had no idea how badly I needed this watch to challenge me and show me what I was really capable of.

I realize I'm way late to the running watch train, but I felt it needed to be said in case there are others of you out there who doubt if that would really do much for you.  If you're a runner and don't have a good watch, it's worth purchasing one.

Last thing - Spartan Races contacted me and wanted me to let you know about a new podcast, "Spartan Up," that recently went live.  You guys should give it a listen!  Also, I'm giving away a free race entry!  To enter, all you need to do is comment on this post!  Giveaway ends this Friday at 12 a.m. and the winner will be announced on that same day.  (The free race code will work one time for any open heat (non-confirmed start time) in any Spartan Race in the continental U.S.)

Good luck!


  1. What you say about a running watch makes total sense. I never really thought about that. I love running but when I'm not on a treadmill i never know my speed or mile pace and it makes it so hard to train properly. I'll definitely have to consider a watch and hope it helps me run better.

    1. Yes! I think it's definitely worth getting one!

    2. Just wanted to let you know that you've won the free race code, Greg! Email me at Claire.L.Westbrook(at) to get the code!


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