Once upon a time, there was not a Starbucks to be found in the greater Oklahoma City area. I first experienced Starbucks in Arizona when I was a freshman in high school. I purchased a caramel frappuccino, which is a silly drink to 'serious' coffee people; but I didn't know that then nor did I care.
I found out later there would soon be one coming to OKC! My friend, Katie, and I were elated.

(Here we are at Katie's 1940s themed party in 2009)
We were pretty obsessed with Starbucks for some reason. I'm sure you remember making 'signs' in high school. In November and December of my sophomore year, we made countdown signs with Christmas themes and coffee mugs and Starbucks logos and gave them to each other in Mr. Wright's geometry class. We couldn't wait.
I don't do a lot of things 'first.' I didn't get married first, I don't go to opening days of things or see movies at midnight premieres or buy CDs on their release date. But, I did go to the first OKC Starbucks on nw expressway and rockwell with Katie on the day it opened.
We felt so accomplished sitting inside, drinking our coffee (in other words, white mochas), knowing that we can't drive and our parents will soon be picking us up. :)
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