Friday, April 29, 2011

the first 8 weeks

(written on March 15, 2011)

So far, here are a few things I've discovered/experienced:

-Only one weird craving and it was only for a week or so:  pickles and potato chips
-Not in the mood for:  pop
-Don’t like eating full big meals ... little small ones are better.
-In February, the dentist said I had a lot of excess saliva.  I thought that comment was a bit unnecessary and rude.  A few days later I read in my book that some women experience an overproduction of saliva in their first month.  There you have it.
-I'm usually nauseous in the mornings, but no throwing up, thankfully.
-My pants are tight!

On March 9th I got a call letting me know that my progesterone level was low (17 when it should be 20ish).  It's fairly common, but still a bit scary as I am new to all of this.  I was prescribed some pills to take before bed each night.  I looked up possible causes for this ... chronic stress, insufficient exercise, and poor diet to name a few.  Yes, yes and yes.  My job consumes all my time which has had an effect on all of those.  I was frustrated, but mainly scared.  At this point, we are praying for a healthy and safe baby.

It's a beautiful, crisp morning outside and I had my first ultrasound today, March 15th.  WOW.  Colt and I were amazed and totally in love.  Arms and legs and a heartbeat! So precious!  I have a feeling it’s a girl but, of course, would be happy either way.   Baby is about an inch long and I am currently at 8 weeks and 3 days.  My first thought when looking at the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat was oh my gosh, there really is a baby in there.  The nurse found everything very quickly which was such an answer to prayer as I had been very nervous for this appointment.  Thank you, God, for a healthy baby and heartbeat!

A couple weeks ago we were sitting in a church service.  The Timberline Hike just finished playing and I was thinking about what all of this means ... being pregnant, having a baby.  I was totally in a daze.  Colt leans over and whispers, "I can't stop thinking about ... (oh how sweet, he's thinking about it too) flying."  Just one of the millions of reasons why I love Colt.  I am married to a little boy ... soon to be joined by another little one.  What a trio we will make. :)

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