Monday, November 19, 2012

weekend review - parks, tablecloths, and dogs in coats

On Friday, Duke and I joined these little munchkins for lunch.

(Lunchtime with Duke, Cooper, and Camryn!)

That night, we relaxed.  It seems like we've had something to do every night for the past month, so we decided to do nothing.  But in the midst of nothing, we accidentally went to Cuppies to order a blackberry cream pie for Thanksgiving and get some yummy drinks.  Then we went to bed early and it was glorious.

We were out and about on Saturday!  We made an appearance at possibly our favorite breakfast place in OKC - Old School Bagel.  Duke tried a blueberry muffin and chocolate milk.  Both were a success.

While we were driving, we saw this:

A little yappy dog in a pink coat with fur trim around the hood.  Sick me out.  (Sorry if you know this lady or this dog.  I'm sure they're both great.)

We played downtown by the Myriad Gardens.

I snapped a few pictures of Duke during snack time on Sunday afternoon.

That evening while Colt was with the youth at OLCC, Duke and I went over to Sara's house for a Thanksgiving feast.  Of course, it was executed in true Sara style.


All the girls brought really yummy food and it was so fun.  Duke liked the mashed potatoes, pumpkin bread, flirting with all the girls, and the tablecloth.

Hooray for the week of Thanksgiving!  Who's ready for husbands to be off work, to hang out with family, and to fill your belly with lots of food??


  1. Meeeeeee!!! :) I can't wait to "officially" watch Elf - as in "it's Christmas time so I won't judge you if you watch it". And I just wanna squeeze that Duke-boy!!! OMG.

    1. And he wants to squeeze you!! Gosh, I miss you guys so much. It's ridiculous.


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