Wednesday, December 5, 2012

shine bright like a diamond this season

First, I'd like to brag.  Some of our friends started a website called Ballerball where they take a comedic approach in talking about basketball.  They had Colt write an article for them back in November and I have to say, it's pretty dang funny.  Really, all of their articles are hilarious whether you know all of the ins and outs of the NBA or not.  Sure, a lot of the jargon is over my head, but if you can read, have a sense of humor, and have ever watched the game of basketball, I guarantee laughter.  Check out their website and then spread the word by doing the following:

Follow them on Twitter
Follow them on Instagram
Like them on Facebook

In other news, I have a video from Cuppies!  Thanks to Caitlin, one of Karlie's really hilarious friends who I need to hang out more with, for capturing it.

I told you we planned on playing mostly originals along with some Christmas tunes and maybe even a little Rihanna in the mix.  So, here is it.  Our little, thrown together mash-up of "We Three Kings" and "Diamonds."

"We Three Kings" wasn't really the main attraction.  We really just wanted to sing "Diamonds" and so we tried to think of a Christmas song about stars.  "Star of Bethlehem" came to mind first.  But I felt that'd be a little to sacrilegious to mix with Rihanna.  Less sacrilegious than "We Three Kings" I guess.  Well, the Lord knows my heart.  We just want you to shine bright like a diamond this Christmas season.

And speaking of the Christmas Season, the Winter Market downtown is happening this weekend.  My band (Mopak) is playing on Sunday at 5:00 p.m.  I hope some of you can make it!


  1. I am so sad I missed this, but so so glad you have video of this wonderful mashup. loved it!

    1. haha well thanks! hopefully sunday will work out for you to come! :)

  2. I just now watched this and I love it!! So creative! And, this is totally crazy, but your voice + Karlie's together makes me tear-up. It's like the perfect harmony, even on a song like "Diamonds". Haha!

    1. Ohh, you're sweet. :) Yeah, "diamonds" is a song that I hate to love and love to hate. haha


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