Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013 reading list

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I don't love to read.  My personality has always had a hard time with it.  Reading is an activity where you sit still and "do nothing."  Growing up, I thought there were more important things to do and sitting on my couch was not going to accomplish anything.  Thankfully, I've learned a thing or two since high school.  I wouldn't necessarily list reading as one of my hobbies, but in the past several years, I'd say I'm learning to enjoy it.  Sitting down and actually opening a book is the hardest part for me.  Once I'm there, I'm good.

In a world filled with unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, and changing diapers, it's nice to have something to challenge my mind every once and a while.  (Although I will say, I am pretty dang good at loading the dishwasher.  Colt is always amazed at my ability to fit in ridiculous amounts of dishes in one load.  Surely that's using some kind of math skill, right?)  And besides the fact that reading really does benefit my mind, it's one activity that makes me slow down, which is something we all need.  So I decided I'd make a written plan for this year concerning my reading goals.

I mentioned in my 2013 goals that I'd like to read 4 books.  I'd love to read more than that, but reading 4 will certainly be an acccomplishment for me.

In 2012, I read:

A Praying Life by Paul Miller (Read my thoughts on this book here.)
On Becoming Babywise, Book 2 by Gary Ezzo
On Becoming Pre-toddler Wise by Gary Ezzo

Impressive list.  Let's try to kick it up a few notches this year, shall we?

Based on books I've heard about or been recommended, here is my list of books I'd like to read in 2013:

Gospel Amnesia by Luma Simms (I read this E-book a week ago and shared my thoughts on it here.)
The Pillars of Christian Character by John MacArthur
Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
God of All Comfort by Hannah Whitall Smith
You Can Change by Tim Chester
7 by Jen Hatmaker (I'm about halfway through this one and LOVING it.)
Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves
On Becoming Toddlerwise by Gary Ezzo
The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker
Generous Justice by Tim Keller
Dream Language by James W. and Michal Ann Goll

Do you have a reading list for the year?  What's on it?  Any recommendations?


  1. Boundaries was huge for me. It's good, solid stuff.

    My reading list consists primarily of books that have yet to be released. (Not so) patiently waiting for their release dates. :)

    1. I'm glad to know you liked Boundaries. I've heard it's really great.

      And yes, I know what you mean! I actually forgot to include one on my list because it has yet to come out. :)


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