Monday, October 14, 2013

weekend review - a sleepy car, joy bags, and a horse ride

The majority of our weekend was spent in Stillwater with family.  It was just the weekend I needed - lots of good food I didn't have to think about/plan/cook, a spot on the couch that was filled by me almost all day for 2 days in a row, and tons of time spent out on the back porch enjoying the perfect weather.

Favorite moment of the weekend:  After finding Nana slumped over in a chair asleep, holding a chip in her hand, someone woke her up.  She immediately informed us, "I fell asleep at Joy Bags once, and they all thought I was dead."  There you have it, folks.

(On our way.  Not the most attractive shot, but I couldn't resist posting the family pic.)

(Enjoyed a decaf mocha on the patio.)

(Brandon giving Duke some barista tips.)

(Time to ride horses!)

(Looked through some old pics at their house and found this one of Brandon.  I definitely see some of Duke in him.)

Have a great week!

Linking up with Wild and Precious "Life Lately"


  1. I am just so jealous that you have horses to ride when you visit Colt's family.

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