Today is the Babywise Friendly Blog Network Pinterest day and we're talking about the preparations we make for Christmas, specifically concerning gift-giving. This may seem simple and many of you probably do it, but my biggest tip for hassle-free Christmas gift-giving is to keep a record of ideas all year long.
The minute you think, Oh, that'd be a good gift idea for so-and-so this Christmas, you have got to write it down! Most likely, you will not remember it by the time Christmas rolls around. It's just too crazy of a season. It's harder and way more time consuming to sit down and try to think of gift ideas all at once.
I keep a note on my phone that's filled with gift ideas for family members. Maybe they actually mentioned something specific they want or maybe I've just noticed a need they have. (Like last year - noticing someone only has 2 potholders in their kitchen.) Sometimes I'll see a great idea on Pinterest (like this one which Duke did last year for his grandparents) or I may come across a photo in my home that I think should be framed as a gift. Whatever the idea, big or small, I jot it down.
This helps me avoid buying things just to buy them. So many other years, Christmas would arrive and I would find myself with zero ideas. It's really easy to go out and grab a scarf and a purse from Target and MERRY CHRISTMAS! Not that there's anything wrong with that kind of gift. Scarves and purses are great things. BUT - if you've worn out the scarf-and-purse kinds of ideas, maybe it's time to think outside of the box, which is exactly what a list does. It encourages a little creativity. Because you're really paying attention to the people around you over a long period of time, it makes the giving really meaningful.
The good news is that it's still October. You have time to get your Christmas gift-giving list going!
And to kick off your gift-giving preparations, I'm giving away 3 of the lullaby CDs I recorded with my mom and sister to 3 separate winners. Our album, "Tucked In," has several classics, some hymns, and a few original lullabies. Our goal was to record something that not only kids and babies would enjoy, but that adults would enjoy as well. This giveaway runs until Thursday night, October 30th, at 11:59 p.m. The 3 winners will be notified as soon as they are chosen.
Good luck!
Follow the Babywise Friendly Blog Network on Pinterest!
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