Tuesday, April 2, 2013

weekend review - a family hike, a chocolate shake, and an easter egg

What a full weekend we had!

Colt was off work on Friday, so we spent part of our morning recording with Dustin Ragland for The Lockout: a Musical.  (Have you not heard about this?  Please educate yo'self.) 

Friday night, Colt and I played in our Good Friday service at OLCC.  It was such a reverent time, remembering how truly terrible that day was for so many.  But the depth of how bad it was is the reason it is so good for us.

I sang "In Christ Alone" and because of where I'm coming from these days, the first verse means so much to me.

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the Love of Christ I stand

The next morning, we got up and headed to the Wichita Mountains for a little family hike day.


This is something we've been wanting to do for a while and we finally had a free Saturday to do it.  (We figured we'd put off our 10 mile run and replace it with an hour hike.  Even trade, right?)

Duke hummed his way up the mountain and giggled his way down.

After the hike, we had lunch in a little gazebo and were on our way.

Because my body craves dessert after every meal, I got Colt to drive thru Braum's on the way home.  Duke had his first taste of a chocolate shake and he got his very own to hold.  The kid had a death grip on the thing.  At one point, the straw popped out and I had to take it from him to fix it.  Screamed and cried bloody murder.  The chocolate addiction is serious in our family.

When I woke up on Sunday, I was hoping for a better Easter than the last one.  Thankfully, it was.  Colt and I both played in the service and Duke has his normal, fun time in the nursery for 3 hours.  When I went to pick him up, he was walking around the room with his hands by his side and his giraffe hanging out of his mouth.  The ultimate picture of contentment.

It was a sweet and powerful day celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.  In particular, this excerpt from "Hallelujah, What a Savior" stood out to me.

Stand unclean no one else could
In my place condemned he stood
Now his nearness is my good
Hallelujah, what a Savior

After the service, we took some pictures.

Duke, Kai, and Whit were thrilled to capture the moment.

Then we had lunch at my parents' house and Duke hunted Easter eggs for the first time.

Although he understood the concept of finding the eggs, picking them up, and putting them in the basket, he was way more interested in just running around like a crazy man. 

We had such a wonderful weekend and I hope you guys did too!  Happy Easter!


  1. What a fun weekend! I am so jealous that you got to go to the Wichitas - Eric and I have been wanting to go camping there for a year and we still haven't made it happen :( Soon! I am so glad you had a good Easter, Claire!

  2. I love the pictures of you and Kelsey smiling and all 3 boys pouting and crying. Hahaha, the joys of motherhood!! So glad you went on a family hike, Duke is such a munchkin I can't wait to play with him and see you guys!!

    1. Haha yes, we tried for a smiling picture, but it was NOT happenin'! i literally talk/think about Portland every day - we cannot wait to be up there!!


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