Monday, May 13, 2013

weekend review - parties, block letters, and mother's day

On Friday night, we had some friends over for dinner and dessert.  We don't see these guys too often, so we decided to take a picture.

My parents and brother came over to get Duke on Saturday morning so we could have band practice.  We're arranging tunes for The Lockout: A Musical and we're almost done.  It's really exciting!

After packing up and eating a quick lunch, we went to celebrate Levi's 3rd birthday.  Duke loved getting to play in their backyard.  A trampoline, a slide, and a swing?  We clearly need to invest in some kind of backyard entertainment other than our 2 dogs who are filling the yard with hair as they shed their winter coat. 

We came home after the party so Duke could take a nap and I could run to the store for some last minute Mother's Day lunch items.  But once Duke woke up, we were out the door again!  We went to a graduation party for a student I had at Yukon and have been teaching piano to for the past year or so.  I'm so glad we were able to go.  Duke, of course, loved getting to ham it up in front of a completely new audience.

From there, we went to my parents' house to eat dinner and watch the Thunder game they had DVR'd.  I hate to say this, but this was the first game I've really watched all season.  But when the game is on our laptop and it has to be plugged up to the TV and I have 193 other things to do, I just decide not to watch.  Also, my Twitter feed is full of game commentary during the games, so I feel like I get a pretty good idea of what's going on.  "I AM MAD AT THIS PLAYER BECAUSE HE DIDN'T SCORE!"  But even if I don't fully grasp what's going on in the game, at least I know who the general public hates by the end of it.

On Sunday, we went to church and came back to our house for a Mother's Day lunch with my mom, dad, and brother.  (Missed you, Karlie!)

I wish I would've taken a picture of all the food spread out on the table, but I was way too excited to dig in.  Here's what we had on the menu:  grilled chicken, salad, fresh green beans, artichoke/olive rice salad, and crescent rolls.  For dessert we had angel food cake with whipped cream and blackberries.  Yum.  And even though there were eleventy million dishes to do, I didn't have to lift a finger.  Thanks, Colt.

All of us kids gave my mom a photo she'd been wanting for awhile.

Our sweet friend, Kelsi, took a bunch of pictures for us last year.  This "looking at you" picture was her idea and we were so glad she thought of it.  Our mom loves "looking at you" pictures.

I got lots of sweet cards for Mother's Day along with a Dunkin Donuts gift card from my parents.  They know the way to my heart.

Colt and I ended Mother's Day by eating Braum's for dinner while watching SNL from the night before.  Perfect.

I had a great Mother's Day and I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful mom to learn from.  Having a wonderful mother-in-law and 3 wonderful grandma's is also a plus.  And the fact that I'm completely surrounded by many other incredibly wonderful mom friends is the cherry on top.  I love you all.

(This is obviously Colt's artwork.   I would die if my life ever depended on drawing block/bubble letters.)

Of course, I wouldn't be a mom without this guy.

(He's always been a stuffed animal guy, but recently, he's been carrying 2 around at a time while snuggling them right up next to his face.)

Being Duke's mom is hard and crazy at times, but it's also ridiculously sweet and fun.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Not even a lifetime supply of Hershey's Milk Chocolate Nuggets with Toffee and Almonds.  I'm tellin' you, my love for this guy is serious.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there!


  1. Happy Mother's Day, sweet friend!

    That lunch sounds absolutely amazing! Did you make all of it? If so, I'm seriously impressed!

    1. Thank you! And, I made everything except the chicken. Mark did that. :)


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