Last year, my new year's resolutions were:
like country music
Mmm, I saw JT in concert and I heard him cover "Friends in Low Places" ... and I semi-enjoyed it. Does that count?
run two races
I ran one - the Route 66 half marathon in Tulsa. It was slow and it was painful, but I did it.
become obsessed with drinking water
You know, I'm not obsessed. But like I said last year, I do know this: If I'm exercising consistently, I drink more water. So really, if I'm doing what I should be doing, the water will happen. Also, we started adding lemons/limes to our water and it's amazing how much more I enjoy it!
organize my blog categories
I did this! Click here to see them.
pray for Colt every day
I wasn't perfect in this area, but there was definitely improvement. I had 31 words written on numbered index cards. For the corresponding date, I would pray for whatever was on the card. It seemed like it was easier to remember this way, yet still very purposed and meaningful.
work on one bible verse a month with Duke
We didn't do one per month, but in the entire year he memorized 6 verses. I'm so proud of him!
These are my goals for this year:
wear my retainer at night more often
I'm aiming for 5 times a week. I used to be a maniac about wearing it all of the time. There were no excuses and no exceptions. It wasn't until halfway through college that I started getting a little lazy with it. After I got married, even lazier. After I had kids? No way. So I shoved it back in a few weeks ago and started over.
have both bathrooms semi-updated
This does not include big stuff like new a new shower/tub or new counter tops. Just the doable stuff - paint, repairing a drawer, a fresh stain on the wood cabinets ... those kinds of things.
finish writing my album
There is a series of songs that I've been working on for the past couple of years that compiles some of the struggles I've experienced in the past few years (anxiety, nursing, etc.) and tells the story of how I moved through them. I'd love to eventually record it once it's ready, but right now, getting it all written is the goal.
spend some kind of time with God consistently
For being such a structured person of routine and plans, this is the one thing that does not get carved into my schedule. There's always a "reason" to put it off or move it around. Then, I just forget to do it. In a perfect world, I'd get up at 5 a.m., run 4 miles, take a shower, get ready, and drink my coffee while reading, praying, and journaling. But I'm just not there yet. So I'm cutting myself some slack. There are two times during the day when I think it could work. 1: In the morning, once Nova is down for her nap and Duke is playing. 2: At night, before bed. Each day, I'm going to wake up and see which time fits best for that day. The goal is that I will land on something that really works.
What are your resolutions for 2015?
For being such a structured person of routine and plans, this is the one thing that does not get carved into my schedule. There's always a "reason" to put it off or move it around. Then, I just forget to do it. In a perfect world, I'd get up at 5 a.m., run 4 miles, take a shower, get ready, and drink my coffee while reading, praying, and journaling. But I'm just not there yet. So I'm cutting myself some slack. There are two times during the day when I think it could work. 1: In the morning, once Nova is down for her nap and Duke is playing. 2: At night, before bed. Each day, I'm going to wake up and see which time fits best for that day. The goal is that I will land on something that really works.
What are your resolutions for 2015?
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