Wednesday, November 21, 2012

posts for new moms

I have a couple of friends who just became first time moms.  It's caused me think back on those first few days/weeks/months and how absolutely confusing it was at times.  Between postpartum depression, breastfeeding, and sleep-deprivation, I was one big ball of emotions.

So I wanted to compile a list of some of my old posts that I think could be helpful in navigating through some those first moments of motherhood.  This post could be mainly for me to look back on when I decide to have #2, but hopefully it can be useful to some of you right now.

10 things to know about breastfeeding

pump, pump, pump it up

let's talk about milk, baby

night feedings

cry it out

how to survive the first month

i've got the (baby) blues

the blues, part 2

schedule transitions for sleeping through the night

the magic ingredient

nap issues

Just know, if you feel like you're losing your mind those first few weeks (heck, months!), you're in good company.

Well, I'm taking a little blogging break for the holiday, but I'll be back on Monday.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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