Tuesday, July 16, 2013

happy birthday/blogiversary/draw-iversary

Two days ago, I turned 27 years old.  I got to spend the day in Telluride, CO with some of my favorite peoples.  I have a million things to say about how wonderful that trip was, so more details and pictures will be coming soon.  Thanks to all of you who texted, called, and sent messages.  It was a very special day and I felt very celebrated.

Today is my 5 year blogiversary (which really isn't a big deal, but I feel like it needs to be said).  It's funny to me that "big" bloggers have parties for things like this.  I'm sitting on my couch next to a huge pile of laundry and writing this post so I can put off the worst household chore ever invented.  WHERE'S MY PARTY???  But that's real life, y'all.  I really like blogging and writing and all that stuff, so hopefully I'll always continue this little hobby of mine.

In 4 days, it will be a year to the day of when I released my first little EP.  (Download it for free on NoiseTrade or Bandcamp.)  But more importantly, it will be a year from when this happened.  It's hard to believe that I've made it this far and a year has actually passed.  I never could've dreamed I'd be on the other side.

It's also hard to believe I've been writing about my battle with anxiety for a year.  It's been such a huge blessing to be able to share this story on my blog.  (You can read the first post about all of this here.  Click here to read all of my posts on anxiety/fear.)  Not only has it been sweet for me to look back on, but I've heard from many friends/readers that it's made a positive impact on them as well.  And, really, that's the point of sharing it.

Truly, it's not my story and it's not about anything I've done.  It's all about the Lord.  To keep all of that bottled up inside for just me to know would've almost felt sinful.  So to those of you who have been right beside me the whole time (in real life and in internet life), encouraging me through it, I really appreciate it.

Knowing what an eventful year 26 was, I have no doubt 27 will be just as interesting.  (But maybe a smidge less interesting would be nice.)  Here's to being one year closer to 30!


  1. Happy everything, Claire! I can't believe you have been blogging for 5 years! Cray. And yes, where is your party? Or giveaway week or whatever "big" bloggers do for their celebrations? Haha, someday... Anyway, love you and can't wait to read about your trip!

    1. Haha exactly! Where ARE all of the giveaways I'm supposed to be hosting?? Oh well. ;)

  2. Happy anniversary to you! And birthday, of course :)


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