I actually don't know if I've ever had such an awful birthday. I guess everyone has to have one though. It's kind of like when I had a stomach virus two Thanksgivings in a row and missed out on all the food. Gah, that food. Except yesterday, I missed out on just being in a good mood.
So, it wasn't a great day.
BUT - there were some good parts about my birthday worth noting. Colt and I went on a date on Saturday night and it was so much fun. He also left me some flowers on the dining room table yesterday morning. They were so nice to look at throughout the day. He came home after work yesterday ready to help with kids, cook dinner, and clean. I've got a good one.
Mark and my mom both stopped by in the afternoon to bring me a special. (Anything that is a treat or a surprise or a fun gift is referred to as a "special" in our family - like gloriously fattening drinks and candy bars, in this case.) Plus, I loved all of the Facebook posts, texts, and calls I received. Those helped lift my spirits a bit. I'm also looking forward to a few birthday celebrations with friends and family coming up. So the party is not over!
I'm sorry for the mildly depressing birthday post. I just felt like it was worth documenting since I've never had a birthday like this ever in my life. Ever. If you need a lift, just go back and check out these birthdays --- 27th, 26th/26th, 25th/25th, 24th.
Cheers to being 28!
Have you ever had a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad birthday?
Bummer! Sorry your bday was kind of lame. Hopefully you're feeling better today?