On Friday night, I played Bunco. There were 20somethings all the way up to 80somethings. There were girls that had never played and were there just for fun (me) and there were ladies who had been playing Bunco for way longer than I've been alive and were serious. Some of these ladies meant business. Getting all the rules straight was a bit chaotic, but once we got started, it all made sense. And it was so much fun! The bad news is I didn't win any money. The good news is that I got to eat a bunch of yummy snacky foods at my leisure for dinner. You can't really put a dollar amount on that.
We woke up with a mission on Saturday. It was going to be garage-clean-out-and-organize-all-of-those-boxes-of-baby-clothes-that-are-in-our-way day. It was a little nostalgic, as I looked through those teensy onesies and overused burp cloths. It's amazing how far removed I feel from all of that terrible reflux Duke had, but it was just a little less than a year ago when we officially stopped having to don our adult sized towels to catch all of that spit up. Such an absolutely crazy and exhausting 9 months. (If you're going through it, I feel your pain and it really will be over. I promise.)
Anyway, our garage looks a million times better. And because hard work always deserves a snow cone, we got one. I found these three guys in my cup of extra gummy bears.
After Duke went to bed that night, I made another batch of those ridiculously good cookies. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, you absolutely must click here.)
We had a church picnic on Sunday after the service. It was kind of nuts. Because Duke is in the stage of life where one day he loves eating and the next day it sounds like the worst idea ever, his lunch ended up consisting of grapes, Cheetos, 2 bites of beans, 3 bites of a hotdog, and 1.5 cookies. The lunch of champions. And of really great moms.
Sunday afternoon naps are never missed in this household, so right when we got home, that's what we did. I slept hard - so hard that I dreamed that Evan (the guy I talked about here) was in space, hopping around from planet to planet and swinging on Saturn's rings. Pretty fancy. I was obviously exhausted.
Duke and I went to a thrift store to buy some clothes for him later that evening. We went again yesterday morning to two other thrift stores. If you are anti-thrift/goodwill shopping, you can learn how not to be here. I've always loved shopping for myself, but buying kids' clothes for crazy cheap prices is almost better than finding that perfect dress for me. Almost. Anyway, this was my total for the 2 days:
5 button down shirts
1 long sleeve shirt
1 polo
1 hoodie
2 t-shirts
2 pairs of athletic shorts
3 pairs of shorts
approx. $31
I'm just saying, if you haven't tried it, you should. Several of these clothing items were brand new with store tags still on them. All the rest of them were in almost perfect condition.
We ended our weekend with a little time at the park. I just love being with my Duke and watching him explore new things.
Happy last full week of June!
Hey. cool that you shared our Bunco night!! We will do another one and it will go much smoother with the rules!! It was a very fun night, glad you were there!! Can you believe all that good food!!! Carolyn McHenry
ReplyDeleteYes, I loved it! I'd love to do it again!
DeleteThrifting clothes for kids is the best!! Every time you come here I want to take you to Piccolina (where I get most of Norah's clothes - consignment shop) and we never get to do it! You got such good deals this past weekend!!
ReplyDeleteI know - we need to go next time!
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ReplyDeleteI can't believe you got all those shirts for so cheap! Cray. Thrifting is seriously the best!
ReplyDeleteI get to see you Sooooon!!